August 16, 2010

where I've been (or really, how the state of my garden prevented me from posting)

Well, in the weeks since my last post, I have learned a few things.
  1. Summer is busy. It's hard to find time to pull weeds, and if I don't pull weeds, I don't really want to tell anyone about the state of my garden :)
  2. Tomato cages are important. Very important. And if you wait until August, when your poor tomato plants are a tangled mess just above dirt level, it will be very hard to find cages, plant stakes, really anything you could use to help prop tomatoes up, in the store.
  3. A small front garden is not the place to plant a cucumber. Thank goodness I only planted one! It has taken over the entire area and is now growing up our living room window.
  4. Those little shoots I thought were marigolds were not marigolds. They grew into thriving weeds. I don't know what kind - if it weren't dark I would take a picture - but they completely took over.
  5. I like pulling weeds. Too bad I didn't figure that out before the unidentified weed took over. But I think it's vanquished now. Ha!
Now that the garden is just a tangled mess instead of a weedy tangled mess, I will try to keep up on it more and post more often. Plus, I want someone to tell me what my weed infestation was.


  1. that it's September, how did that garden turn out? :)

  2. I wish I grew tomatoes. They are my favorite garden thing ever.

    As for the paint, get ready for it...Krylon spray paint in 'avacado'. Yep! Not available everywhere, I've learned the hard way, but I've had luck at Roberts and Hobby Lobby. It's a great shade. Glad you like it!
